Tuesday, 28 October 2014

After Dark Group Game [Dev Chapter 2]


We began work on our game by picking which tasks we would accomplish each. Justin decided to look further into the scripting, replacing the 3D models, GUI while I looked into terrain editing and scene environment building along with looking at the scripts also to identify how the systems we got from the asset worked. I also helped out with replacing some of the 3D models and giving the terrain textures and details.

We created two different unity projects and worked on our parts individually while checking to see how the others work was coming along.

We had decided that for the environment we would create an island, originally I wanted to simulate a continent such as Australia as the game map although it proved difficult after trying to export height maps and how they sometimes wouldn't work with unity and its terrain editor. I then decided to use an alternate piece of software called "World Engine" to create a island terrain and export it to a .raw file to import into unity. That worked in the end and I began editing the terrain from inside the unity engine further to make it more realistic and remove the jagged edges from some parts.

For the terrain and for the game itself we really wanted the features of unity pro so we could apply imaging effects such as Bloom, Anti Aliasing and Motion Blur. Unfortunately neither owned the pro version of unity.

After smoothing the terrain and adding some details I first began adding buildings and structures to an area on the map. As you can see in the image below there is a small village with some houses and sheds. I decided to give the area a sort of dry and dead effect by making the grass and trees look quite dried out.

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